Oded Gold: Interesting Facts About Gold

Oded Gold: Interesting Facts About Gold

Interesting Facts About Gold By Oded Gold

Gold is one of the most treasured metals in the world and has been used for centuries as a form of currency explain Oded Gold. It has also been a highly prized commodity in art and jewellery. But did you know that there are some fascinating facts about this yellow metal?

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1.Gold is rare, even more rare than diamonds.

In its elemental state, gold is 31.1 grams (or a troy ounce) rarer than a five-carat mined diamond.

2.Gold is one of the few noble metals, which means that it does not oxidize when it comes into contact with air. This is because it is naturally non-reactive.

3.Gold is malleable, which means that it can be hammered into thin sheets.

A single ounce of gold can be pounded into a 300-square-foot sheet, making it the most malleable element in the world.

4.Gold is the only non-white-colored metal on the periodic table.

Although some other nonmetals are also yellow, such as sulfur and chlorine, gold is the only noble metal that does not oxidize when it comes into direct contact with air.

5.Gold is so ductile that it can be twisted into fine wires measuring just five microns, which is five millionths of a meter long.

6.Gold is so soft and malleable that it can be beaten into gold leaf, which is thin enough to see through. It can also be dissolved into oil to make gold flake, which is sold in gourmet shops around the world as an edible glitter that adds sparkle to everything from vodka to olive oil.

7.Gold is not toxic, but it can cause a person to develop a condition called aurophobia, which causes people to fear the shiny yellow metal.

8.Gold is a good conductor of heat and electricity.

Gold can be used in batteries and electronics. It can also be melted down to be cast into gold coins and bars, which have been an important currency throughout history.

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9.Gold is a valuable and powerful medicine.

In the 1970s, scientists developed a gold-based drug that could shrink cancer cells without damaging nearby healthy tissue. It is also effective in curing HIV and rheumatoid arthritis.

10.Gold has been found on every continent except Antarctica.

The largest nugget in existence is ‘the Hand of Faith,’ discovered with a metal detector in Australia in 1980. It is estimated to be about a half-ton in size and weighs more than 500 pounds.

11.Gold was the first metal used for coinage and jewelry in the ancient world.

The first purely gold coins were manufactured in Asia Minor kingdom of Lydia in 560 B.C.

12.Gold was used in Olympic gold medals until 1912.

Golden coins are not common now, but some athletes still wear them on occasions such as a victory celebration or during an award ceremony.

13.Gold is a symbol of wealth, happiness and justice in the ancient world.

14.Gold is a chemical symbol of the metal Au, which is derived from the Latin word ‘aurum’ “shining dawn.” It is considered a precious metal because it has not been tarnished or corroded in a way that would affect its value.

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